Following guidelines are to be followed strictly by the authors:
The manuscripts for publication are required to be in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English.
The manuscript is required to be written in the English language only. However, English translation is required to be provided to incorporate words or text from any other language (indigenous or foreign)
Journal only consider MS word file submission; pdf files are not acceptable.
The manuscripts are required to be written with 12 font sizes in Times New Roman font style. The line spacing should be 1 (one) with a 1-inch margin of the page from all sides.
The font size for the title of the article should be 14 (fourteen).
Abstract and keywords, along with their headings, should be in 12 (twelve).
Authors' names and affiliations should be written also in 10.
The entire content of the article, along with headings and references, should be in 12. The font style for the manuscript is required to be ‘Times New Roman.'
The heading should be bold and indicated in the article with initial capital letters.
The first paragraph after each heading should be without indentation. If the heading contains more than one section, after the first paragraph following sections should be with indentation.
The title of the manuscript is required to be bold with initial capital letters of all the words.
The detail of the authorship is required to be given on the title page along with their email and affiliations (department, university, city, and country)
The authorship is required to be given in the same order as you want them to appear in the published paper. No change in the order of the authorship is made later.
The whole manuscript, with references, is required to be typed single-spaced on one side of the paper.
All pages should be numbered consecutively in the bottom right starting from the title page.