Text Translation: Before Discipline, During Discipline, BetweenDisciplines, and After Discipline
Translation Studies has emerged as a relatively new but dynamic fieldinthe Western world. The establishment of the academic discipline of translation studies as a distinct topic in the Low Countries (namely, Belgium and the Netherlands) occurred in the early 1970s. Certaincurrent theorists argue that the field of translation studiesdisproportionately prioritizes translated texts while neglectingasubstantial body of translation data from other academic disciplines, including media studies, psychology, philosophy, theater, art, andarchitecture. This article is organized into four distinct sections. The first section, titled"Pre-Discipline," examines the period from the aftermath of WorldWar II until the 1970s. The second section, "Discipline," explores the earlyyears of translation studies during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Thethird section, "Interdiscipline," delves into the expansion of the fieldandits numerous collaborations with external disciplines throughout the1990s and 2000s. Lastly, the fourth section, "Post-Discipline," represents a new phase that further expands the boundaries and definitions of thefield. The introductory section of the recently published magazinetranslation encompasses a discussion of my prior scholarly contributions, specifically a publication in 2008 titled "Translation and IdentityintheAmericas."
Keywords: Text Translation, Before Discipline, During Discipline, Between Disciplines, and After Discipline