Developing Pupils' Analytical, Creative, and Interpersonal Skills


  • Muhammad Farooq University Of Lahore


For academics working in the field of business education, one of the most pressingchallenges at the moment is figuring out how to best equip business students withtheskills they'll need to succeed in the real world. Skills such as critical thinking, creativity, communication, dispute resolution, and cooperation are frequently foundtobe deficient among college students. Employers place a great value on these qualities  and place a high value on college graduates who possess them. Traditional methods of
teaching, such as giving lectures, might not encourage the development of necessaryskills or give sufficient levels of student involvement. It has been demonstrated that utilizing cutting-edge teaching strategies in a variety of academic fields, suchas
giving students client-based classroom tasks, results in the achievement of remarkableoutcomes. The writers of several marketing courses have successfully implementedthe Six Thinking Hats® approach, with the intention of improving students' preparedness for working in a business setting. This method serves as the primaryfoundation for an interactive cognitive and conversational exercise that was designedby the authors and is used by them. Students develop the ability to explore ideas, scenarios, and case studies from a variety of perspectives during the course of their education. This method not only fosters the development of the aforementioned abilities more effectively, but it also makes it more likely that people will engage inconversations that are collaborative, empathetic, and equitable. Students whoparticipated in the online poll have applied the adapted version of the Six ThinkingHats® technique in a variety of their academic classes. According to the primaryfindings, the participants' impressions of the method indicate that they found it tobeinteresting as well as simple to put into practice. In addition to this, it was demonstrated to be useful in encouraging creative thinking, boosting comprehensionof other points of view, and facilitating concentration on a particular subject matter. After the execution of this particular strategy, a substantial number of participants reported their intention to increase the amount of effort they put into participatinginclassroom activities in upcoming instances.

Keywords: critical thinking, participation, creativity, 


