Becoming a New Woman: A Radical Feminist Study of Untamed by Glennon Doyle


  • Asghar Ali M.Phil Scholar, English Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, ISP Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Iqra Batool* M.Phil Scholar, English Linguistics, Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Ummaia Javed M.Phil Scholar, English Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, ISP Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.


Intimate memoir and stirring wake-up call at the same time, Untamed (2020) is strong and compassionate, soulful and raucous. It tells the tale of Intimate memoir and stirring wake-up call at the same time, Untamed (2020) is strong and compassionate, soulful and raucous. It is the tale of a woman's journey to realize that a responsible mother demonstrates to her children how to live life to the fullest rather than slowly dying for them. Radical feminism espouses a patriarchy-free society in which women are free to challenge established institutions and customs and everyone can live in freedom. This study is part of Glennon Doyle's Untamed (2020) paradigm, which emphasizes listening to your voice to gauge social norms and patriarchal pressure. The primary goals of this study are to identify the core ideas of Untamed (2020), explain how radical feminism connects these ideas and outline how the ruling class forces its ideologies upon the populace. The general perception that patriarchy primarily divided society's rights, benefits and authority along gender lines led to the critical analysis of Untamed (2020). Women were viewed as oppressed because patriarchy was so ingrained in the social and political structures of the time that it was unthinkable to them. The portrayal of "New Woman" in the memoir and its implications are examined via a Radical Feminist lens.


