Exploring the Impact of Reflective Teaching Practices ontheProfessional Development of Language Teachers


  • Saiyida Shahbano Jabeen 1PhD Scholar, Department of Social SciencesandHumanities, Hamdard University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Dr. Syeda Aliya Fatima Assistant Professor Department of Education,Fatimiyah Higher Education System, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Dr. Muhammad AkramMankash Principal Hazrat Shahjahangir Academy, FacultyofEnglish Language & Literature, Karachi


This study examined the role of reflective teaching in language teacher education, highlighting how critical reflection and self-evaluation facilitate the professional
development of early-career English language teachers in Karachi. Twelveundergraduate instructors participated in semi-structured interviews as a component
of the study's qualitative research methodology which also encompassed classroomobservations to capture reflective behaviors in real time. The data was analyzed usingthe six-step theme analysis approach established by Braun and Clarke. It disclosedsignificant issues, including the impact of reflection on educational strategies, thechallenges of implementing reflective practices, and methods to overcome thesebarriers. Despite institutional constraints sometimes hindering its comprehensiveexecution, the findings indicate that reflective teaching enhances classroommanagement, professional identity, and instructional flexibility. This studyis significant as it underscores the imperative of enhancing teacher education programs. Keywords: Reflective Teaching Practices, Professional Development, LanguageTeacher Education, Language Teaching Practices, Self-evaluation


