Licensing Policy

1. Introduction

The "Liberal Journal of Language & Literature Review" (LJLLR) is committed to fostering open access and dissemination of scholarly research in the fields of language and literature. This licensing policy outlines the terms and conditions under which authors retain and grant rights to their work published in the journal.

2. Open Access Policy

LJLLR adheres to the gold standard of open access, making all published articles freely available online immediately upon publication. This allows readers worldwide to access and share research without barriers.

3. Copyright and Licensing

Authors retain copyright of their work published in LJLLR. However, by submitting a manuscript for publication, authors grant LJLLR a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish, reproduce, distribute, and translate the article in any format or medium, electronic or print.

4. License Options

LJLLR offers two licensing options for authors:

  • Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License: This license allows anyone to share, remix, adapt, build upon, and distribute the article in any medium or format, as long as they provide appropriate credit to the author(s) and the journal.
  • Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) License: This license has the same terms as CC BY 4.0, but prohibits commercial use of the article without permission from the author(s).

Authors can choose their preferred license during the submission process.

5. Author Rights

Authors retain the following rights under both license options:

  • To self-archive the article in their institutional repository or personal website.
  • To deposit the article in any non-commercial open access repository.
  • To include the article in a thesis or dissertation.
  • To publish the article in a book or edited collection, with proper attribution to the original publication in LJLLR.